Technical Memberships and Involvements
ASM International Contributions (American Society for Materials)
Steve first joined ASM as a student and was the Student Affairs representative for the Chicago Northern Chapter. He served on or chaired many chapter committees including Programming, Directory, Mayfield-Grossmann Seminar, Long Range Planning, and Executive. In 1978-79 he was the Chicago Northern Chapter Chairman. Since 2000 he has been active on the Materials Property Data Base Committee. In 2014 he joined the ASM Membership Committee and served there until his term expired in 2016. He then joined the Board of the Failure Analysis Society. After serving his two-year term on the Board, he is currently the Membership Chair of the Failure Analysis Society. He is also assisting in the next ASM Fractography Handbook. Steve is an elected Fellow of ASM (Class of 2006).
ASTM International Contributions (American Society for Testing Materials)
Steve has been a member of the ASTM D32 Committee on Catalysts for over 30 years and has assisted in writing and getting approved many test methods. Currently, he is serving his second stint as Committee Chair and was awarded the Society Award of Merit (Fellow of ASTM 2008). He is also a member of the E04 Committee on Metallography.
Other Technical Memberships and Involvements
Other memberships include NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) and ACS (American Chemical Society).